Monday, August 8, 2011

Spam Firefox Update News via E-mail

Recently Sophos secuirty reaseachers warned about a new spam of firefox update which is spearding via e-mail. According to them, these e-mail contains password-stealing trojan.This e-mail contained message which is copied from the legit Firefox Update page and reads:

"A Firefox software update is a quick download of small amounts of new code to your existing Firefox browser. These small patches can contain security fixes or other little changes to the browser to ensure that you are using the best version of Firefox available.

"Firefox is constantly evolving as our community finds ways to make it better, and as we adjust to the latest security threats. Keeping your Firefox up-to-date is the best way to make sure that you are using the smartest, fastest and . most importantly . safest version of Firefox available.

A link is also mentioned in the e-mail to update the firefox which does not lead to Mozilla. It should  be mentioned that Mozilla does not send Firefox update alerts via email. Users are advised to download or  update firefox from the Vendor or trusted sites.


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