Thursday, May 19, 2011

Poke and Chat in Facebook

Poke a Friend

  • Another way to communicate on Facebook is to poke a friend. You can use pokes to say hi to an existing friend or to allow a person who is not a friend access to basic information about you.
  1. Access the person's Facebook page.
  2. Click on Poke underneath their profile picture.
  3. A confirmation message is displayed.
  4. Click the Poke button.
  5. Your friend is notified that you poked them when they log into Facebook. 

Chat with a Friend

  • You can chat with friends who are online through Facebook Chat. The Friends Online button in the bottom right of the Facebook screen tells you how many friends are online.
  1. To see which friends are online, click the Online Friends button.
  2. A list of friends currently online is displayed. A green dot next to the friend means that they are currently active and a moon means that the friend is idle.
  3. Click on the name of the friend you want to chat with.
  4. Facebook Chat is displayed. If you have previously chatted with the friend, your previous chat conversation is shown in the chat window.
  5. Type in your message to your friend and press the Enter key.
  6. The message is sent to your friend.
  7. When they respond, their message is displayed in the Chat window.
  8. When you are finished chatting, click the Close icon in the top right of the Chat window.


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